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Book Review of " The Curious Charms Of Arthur Pepper "

Hi guys! I am Srikruth ! PS : I am the author of this blog. Follow me on Instagram at { @k.srikruthreddy } Without further fuss lets get on to the review of The Curious Charms Of Arthur Pepper. Book : The Curious Charms Of Arthur Pepper Author : Phaedra Patrick Publisher : Harper Collins About the Author : Phaedra Patrick has worked as a stained glass artist,film festival organiser and communications manager. She lives in Saddleworth with her husband and son. This book is her debut novel. Plot :  Now I am not going to give away all the story and spoil the book for you. But I will be just giving you an insight into the story. The story revolves around Arthur who is 69 years old and lost his wife an year ago. He couldn't bear the terrible loss and is depressed. So he follows a routine everyday like wearing same clothes, eating at a particular time, watering Frederica and hiding from his neighbour. All this doesn't change until he finds a bracelet in his wi

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