Book review of The Mystery Of The Elephant God by Satyajit Ray.

Book Review of The Mystery Of The Elephant God by Satyajit Ray.

H I   G U Y S ✋
I'm Srikruth Reddy👦

(PS : I'm the author of this blog!)

So, I'm back🔙 with another blog post! Today I have sat down to review a Indian masterpiece, a book📖 written by prodigious writer of India, SATYAJIT RAY!👴

So without any further ado, I'm going to review the book "The Mystery Of The Elephant God📖📖". Let's go! Shall we?? To read this you will need 10 minutes so grab something to snack on!🍵☕🍫🍉
NAME OF THE BOOK: The Mystery Of The Elephant God

Picture courtesy: You can buy the book from the same website.

AUTHOR:Satyajit Ray👴

So clan in case you didn't know about him, you must know😱😱 about this awe-inspiring person. So here it is!!...............👇👇
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Satyajit Ray was born 👶in Calcutta(A city in India, West Bengal)🌏. He is a multi-faceted person who is very good at numerous activities including calligraphy✍, film-making🎬, fiction writing📖, graphic designing💻, illustrating✍, music composing🎹🎶, publishing books📚 and was also a film critic📹📼🎥! (Clearly he is a mastermind). He is regarded as one the best filmmakers in the world who has directed around 36 films😱😱 including documentaries, short films, and feature films.

*To know more about him check out his website*
PUBLISHED BY: Penguin books🐧
PLOT: Lal Mohan babu👨, is a crime writer and writes his books 📖with a pseudonym Jatayu. He once finds a interesting article about a strange sadhu (holy man) who is called as "Machchli🐟 Baba"🐟 by the locals, he also found out that he possesses supernatural powers 🌋and came to Varanasi (a religious town in India) by floating on the river Prayag🏊. He finds it strange and informs about it his friend, a private detective Pradosh C. Mitter👮 also known as Feluda and his cousin Topshe👦.

 He convinces them to have a visit to Varanasi🌍 and find about this strange man 👴so that he will have a story for his book and Feluda will solve a mystery. So three👮👨👦 of them go to Varanasi and stay in a place owned by Niranjan Babu who is a friend of Lal Mohan Babu. Later they visit Abhaycharan Chakravarty's😄 house where the baba stays and meets his followers. Feluda meets new people and Mr.Vikas Sinha👲 who is an assistant of Varanasi's famous business man💰, Mr. Umanath Ghosal. Who asks him to come to Mr. Ghosal's house, and finds out that Ghosal family's ancestral possesion, a diamond-studded 💎Lord Ganesh💎 statuette is stolen and Mr. Ghosal wants Feluda to find who stole it. So Feluda along with Lal Mohan Babu and Topshe search and walk around Varanasi to find clues🔖. 

While they were looking for clues they were monitored by a rich business man💸💰 Manganlal Meghraj's men. They had already apprehended that Meghraj stole it because once, Meghraj threatened 😤 Umanath Ghosal to sell him the Ganesh idol. So they visit him and Meghraj threatens three of them by asking them to leave the case. 

But Feluda turns a deaf ear 😒👂and continues investigating and reveals his assumptions to his cousin and Lalmohan. And a lot of things happen in this time. Finally Feluda successfully accomplishes his task and reveals the mystery to everyone. The story is that Rukmini Ghosal(small kid around 8 years)👦 son of Umanath Ghosal hides the Ganesh idol in the Lion's mouth of Goddess Durga as it was the time for Vijaya Dashmi so that Manganlal doesn't take away the Ganesh from their family. Just the day before the pooja the artist working on the idol sees the Ganesh statuette, in the idol and at the same time Vikas Sinha sees that and kills the artist👳and wants to sell it to Manganlal but as it was Durga Puja he couldn't step out of Ghosal's house so he hid it in his radio.

So the idea of Rukmini 👦was that after Durga idol was immersed in water he would take it🏊🏊 from the lion's mouth. He said this to his friend Suraj, son of Manganlal😈. So Manganlal wanted a person to steal it from lion's mouth so he hired Machchli Baba to do it. Machchli Baba👹 was a prisoner who has run away from prison and came to Varanasi. But as Mr. Sinha took it from the mouth of Lion the Ganesh statuette was with him.
REVIEW: The book was very nicely written👌. I enjoyed it thoroughly and the style of writing of Satyajit Ray is fantabulous. The book can be compared to beautiful painting due to its splendid detailing🌉 and every character, every location , everyone's appearance is wonderfully written🎭👕👖. It makes you feel like you are admist all of them also the writing was simple yet classic. I have to admit that this book has a ton.......of characters and I had a hard time following them in the beginning,but after a couple of pages you will get hang of it. I just cannot explain it splendidness💣💯, you will be dumb found reading this, it has a lot of twists and was very thrilling. I think it is the perfect💯 way one must narrate a crime/detective book. It was like "Indian Sherlock Holmes" or, I have to say better than that. The book has got its amazing Indian vibes. It just feels like we are in Benaras while we read it👌. The astounding details make it wonderful💯👌. It will surely pass a chill through your spine.

 Are you having a tough time selecting detective book? Then what are you waiting for? This is a must read for you!💯💯
I would definitely recommend this book to everyone one of you reading this. Regardless of your age and gender and liking. You will surely love it.💯

VERDICT: Thrilling book. Good book for a quick read! Not much fuss in the plot. Simple and rustic. A MUST READ!💯
Thank you all for reading this. See you next time👋. Also this is my first book review. So please let me know if you liked it and add in few suggestions. 
T H A N K   Y O U.😘
K. S R I K R U T H   R E D D Y👦




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